
  • 1893 阅读量
  • 2022-02-14

Basic Offshore Safety Induction Emergency Training (BOSIET) with Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS) Oil and Gas companies worldwide seek to ensure that everyone traveling to one of their offshore assets (production platform, drill rig, FPSO, etc.) must have completed an appropriate offshore safety and emergency training course before being allowed to travel to their offshore asset.

      带紧急呼吸系统的基本海上安全应急培训 (BOSIET) ,是全球石油和天然气公司力求确保前往其海上平台之前(生产平台、海上钻井、FPSO 等)的每个人都必须完成的的海上安全和应急培训课程,取得上岗认证。

The OPITO-approved BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) with Compressed Air Breathing System (CA-EBS) course provides the delegate with a range of knowledge and skills relevant to traveling offshore by helicopter and working offshore, including safety induction, fire safety, and basic firefighting; first aid; using a CA-EBS; helicopter safety and escape; and survival at sea.

      OPITO 批准的带有紧急空气呼吸系统 (CA-EBS) 的 BOSIET(基本海上安全和应急培训)课程为学员提供了一系列与直升机海上旅行和海上工作相关安全的知识和技能,包括安全介绍、消防安全和基本消防;急救; 使用 CA-EBS;直升机安全和逃生;和海上生存。

Upon completion of the course, the delegate will have an awareness of the generic hazards and associated risks encountered when working on offshore installations and the generic safety regimes and safety management systems in place to control and mitigate risks associated with hazards.


The BOSIET (with CA-EBS) will also equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond appropriately in the event of an offshore emergency and to enhance their survivability through proper use of emergency equipment and procedures.


You will know:


1.Inflation of an aviation lifejacket, deployment of a spray visor, and boarding of an aviation life raft from the water

2.Following instruction from the crew, location of CA-EBS equipment and evacuation from a helicopter using a nominated exit, following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land)

3.Actions to be taken in preparing for an in-water ditching including the location of exit, deploying, and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land)

4.Dry evacuation, using a nominated exit, to an aviation life raft from a helicopter ditched on water (and, on instructions from the aircrew, operation of a push-out window), assisting others where possible and carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation life raft, to include: mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance

5.Escaping through an underwater window opening, from a partially submerged helicopter (with & without operation of a push-out window)

1. 为航空救生衣充气、展开防雾罩、从水上登上航空救生筏;

2. 按照机组人员的指示,CA-EBS 设备的位置和使用指定出口从直升机撤离,在受控紧急下降到干地着陆后(直升机模拟器旁进行);

3. 逃生培训前的准备行动,包括紧急出口位置,陆上标准大气压环境下操作CA-EBS (位置:直升机模拟器旁);

4. 使用指定出口从水上迫降的直升机干疏散到航空救生筏(并根据机组人员的指示,操作推出窗),在可能的情况下协助其他人并在登机时采取初步行动航空救生筏,包括:系泊线、展开海锚、升起顶篷和救生筏维护;

5. 从部分淹没的直升机上通过水下窗户开口逃生(有或没有操作推出窗);

Offshore Hazards


•Pressure hazards include oil/gas reservoir, process/drilling pipework, water/gas injection, gas, and compression.

•Motion hazards, to include: drilling tubular, exposed machinery parts, moving heavy equipment, and manual handling.

•Chemical hazards include: drilling chemicals, reservoir fluids/gases (including H2S), process chemicals and solvents

•Electrical hazards include maintenance of electrical equipment, faulty electrical equipment.

•Gravity hazards, include: working under suspended loads, working at heights and slips and trips.

•Noise hazards, include working in process areas, drilling areas, helicopter areas, and noise exposure levels.

•Hazardous atmospheres include an explanation of how areas are designated hazardous zones.

•Confined space hazards, to include the following characteristics: limited openings for entry or exits, confined spaces when working inside containers or vessels, and unfavorable natural ventilation.

• 压力危害包括油/气储层、工艺/钻井管道、水/气注入、气体压力。

• 移动危险包括:钻管、暴露的机械部件、移动重型设备和手动搬运。

• 化学危害包括:钻井化学品、储层流体/气体(包括 H2S)、工艺化学品和溶剂

• 电气危害包括:电气设备维护、电气设备故障。

• 重力危险包括:在悬挂负载下工作、在高处工作以及滑倒和绊倒。

• 噪声危害包括:在加工区域、钻井区域、直升机区域和噪声暴露水平工作。

• 危险环境包括:对区域为何指定为危险区域的说明。

• 密闭空间危害包括以下特征:进出开口有限、在容器或容器内工作时的密闭空间以及不利的自然通风。

Upon completion of the program, the delegate will have an awareness of the generic hazards and associated risks encountered when working on offshore installations and the generic safety regimes and safety management systems in place to control and mitigate risks associated with hazards.
